Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Feel the burn

On Sunday JP and I went and looked at a gym that just opened in downtown Baltimore and I ended up joining. I am really excited about the facilities and all the classes that they are offering. I went to a Pilates reformer class last night, which I loved, and am super excited to get back into it. Today I had a meeting with a 'personal coach' who checks in with me every 4 to 6 weeks to see how I am doing and what progress I am making. I have to say that it was the most effective and useful gym membership initial consultation that I have ever had. I even got to stand on a scale that also calculated how hydrated I am, what percentage of my body if fat, scary, and how much each of my limbs weigh, strange but I guess useful. Just in case anyone was wondering I am symmetrical in my limb weight. So I thought that the best way to celebrate the gym was to research desert for the wedding on line.

Apparently not everyone lives in the digital age because most of the vendors in Telluride do not have web sites. So I decided to find what I want and then find someone to create it for me, or at least find what I like and then go from there. While I have had no wedding cake luck I did find the cutes little petits fours, which I love to eat, but never do. Sadly, we do not live a petits four lifestyle, heartbreaking I am sure, but for a wedding everyone should have a petits four lifestyle. I will have to make sure that there are extras that we can pack up and nosh of for as long as they will keep, but more realistically, as long as they last. These are also monogrammed which I love, I cannot get enough of it. Monograms, monograms, everywhere.


Anonymous said...

Kohli, I have to say that I look forward to your new blogs everyday. So much so that a sale at Norstroms doesn't even measure close. Not even! Your blogs are inspirational, insightful, and just dang sweet. Keep it up! I loooooooveeeeee it!!!! :) -Tracy & ollie too.

Anonymous said...

and a BIG HELLO to JP too!